Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008...

Hello 2009! I can't believe it's the last day of the year. It's so wierd how every year when New Year's Eve rolls around it's like it came out of nowhere. Where did all the time go? It's such a natural time for reflection and cleaning (at least that what happens around here!). I'm so grateful for the wonderful things and people in my life. This year has been full of really special moments and I'm so grateful for the family and friends God has given me.

Because of all of the reflection going on in my head lately - I have so many new ideas brewing. Exciting things I want to do in my
shop, so many projects around the house that I'm determined WILL get completed this coming year, so many things that I want to change. New Year's resolutions are notorious for being written down, but never followed through. I don't want that for me this goals aren't beyond my reach. I can get them all done if I just focus on what is important. Doing just that is one of my goals for '09. I focus so much of my time on things that I'm not really sure are on the top of my priority list. I am determined to cut some things out of my life that have just become time suckers! I don't know that this will be all that easy to accomplish, but I find it so very necessary at this point in my life. My life has grown significantly beyond the days of being single and I really want to work on the things that matter...

One thing that has been on my mind is something I'm calling "Grace 365." I have this vision of doing something for someone else everyday of the new year. I wish I had it all planned out better, but I don't. I don't know exactly how this will evolve, but I want to spend more time focusing outwardly instead of just on the things going on inside my home. I'm sure some of the "acts of kindness" will have to do with my family, but hopefully this journey will lead me to meet and affect people that I don't even know yet. I just have to step out and do it. Sometimes even the smallest gestures can make such a big impact...a simple note to a friend far away, a phone call, dinner for someone in need. Whatever it is, I'm excited about beginning this journey. Lord willing I'll be posting daily (or close to it) on my adventures of kindness!

I'm looking forward to the new year and all that it has in store. A few pictures to end the year with...

So very thankful for my sweet little family. In my eyes the three of us are so very perfect together!

(even when there's a few tears to be shed!)

I couldn't be more lucky...Vance is such a wonderful husband and always the most fun to be with. When I say I married my best friend, it's the absolute truth. I love life with him...

I'm so happy that my little princess got to spend some time with her Grandstephie. It breaks my heart that she doesn't get to see her grandparents very much, but I know that every moment she gets is so very special...

Thanks Mom, for making Emma so happy in the backseat on the way to the airport :)

I'm so grateful for the trips Aunt Britt made out to see us this year. Emma adores her so much!

Just remembering this day makes me tear up...why are goodbyes always so sad?

Last, but certainly not least, is my little Emma. I could not be a prouder mommy. She is the absolutely joy in my life. Her little smile and laugh make me so happy. I love how much she loves her little Georgie, as he is affectionately called these days!


~LL~ January 5, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

those are great pictures!